Book: "Psychoanalysis a Psychiatry. Partners and Competitors in the Mental Health Field"

Book: 'Psychoanalysis a Psychiatry. Partners and Competitors in the Mental Health Field', by C. Laks Eizirik and G. Foresti
Book: "Psychoanalysis a Psychiatry. Partners and Competitors in the Mental Health Field"


Psychoanalysis & Psychiatry

Partners and Competitors on the Mental Health Field

Clàudio Eizirik and Giovanni Foresti

Published by
International Psychoanalysis Association

The book has been conceived and edited under the aegis of the IPA Committee “Psychoanalysis and the Mental Health Field”. The project was at first elaborated as a series of panels presented at the IPA Congress held in Boston (July 2015). Later on, it became an articulate editorial project which engaged the Committee for many months and became a 6 sections work in progress, aimed at illustrating the most promising facets of the very controversial (and sometimes frankly conflictive) boundaries between Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry.

The book is not intended as a collection of heterogeneous and separated/split contributions, but a comprehensive review of the positions which have proved to be most promising and helpful in order to rethink and ameliorate the cooperation between psychoanalysts and psychiatrists.

The main aim of the IPA Committee is to propose and facilitate the organizations of national steering committees: work group where mental health professionals of different background could cooperate for ameliorating the relationship between their disciplines. Within this context, the book will offer materials that could be useful for thinking about the controversial areas, being informed about best practices, devising and planning the future activities.


After the initial discussions in Boston, the project has been expanded and rethought to reach out an overall result which could be both rich but readable.

Instead of denying the most controversial areas – for instance Nosology and diagnosis (chapter 2) and Differentation and integration of treatments (chapter 3) –, the project was focused on a clear recognition of the intrinsic/inherent differences between the two disciplines and designed as a instrument which could help practitioners and leading figure to build new bridges of reciprocal understanding and joint cooperation.

The Committee is convinced that a new phase of mutual respect and fruitful cooperation can begin and that the social, institutional and cultural premises for this change are to be understood at the different regional, national and local levels. The motto of the work is (try to) think globally while (focusing on) acting locally.


After the forewords (IPA and WPA Presidents) and the introduction of the Editors, the index is designed to be build on the following 5 parts/dimensions:

1. Disciplines and professions of the Mental Health Field: theoretical and historical perspectives

2. Nosology and diagnosis: different vertices on clinical problems

3. Differentiation and integration of treatments; institutional subjects and institutional analysis

4. Teaching, training and continual education: methods and models

5. Example of innovative/promising practices


1) Historical and geopolitical differences
The first part is more traditional: essays that compare different regional perspectives (European, Latin American and North American) on the history and the present situation of a necessary but often conflicting relationship. The contributors to the chapter are psychoanalysts and leading figures in the field of psychiatry.

2) Nosology and diagnosis: divergences and convergences
The second chapter is a review of the methodologies that have been developed to deal with the clinical problems: how to understand the mental diseases and disorders and how to develop diagnostic procedures that keep together the aim of classifying something with the scope of building a relationship with someone. The request to the Authors is here clarity and conciseness. Instead of long and comprehensive essays, the Editors ask for short contributions which can help the readers to review and know the processes that made possible to devise diagnostic tools such as the DSM-IV and the DSM-5, the OPD and, more recently, the PDM-2.

3) Differentiation and integration of treatments
Both psychoanalysis and psychiatry have changed a lot during the last two decades. Each of the two disciplines has developed its methods, studied the diagnostic categories that can benefit of them and focused on the specific techniques and measures to be used in order to obtain clinical results. Having renounced to the illusion of self sufficiency, psychoanalysis and ready to a new phase of cooperation and mutual recognition. The most advanced component of the two disciplines know that their future is one of further differentiation of their methods and better integration of different techniques and approaches.
This chapter is also focused on the too often neglected fact that these two disciplines deals with human contents (diseases, disorders and suffering human beings) by virtue of established human containers (institutions, organizations, staff, professionals and people). The focus here is on the emotional burden of the équipes and teams which deliver treatments and care. The contribution will describe and discuss new methods of understanding the recurrent crises of the institutional organizations and the intervention that can help the leaders and responsible figures to deal with the consequences of the institutional instability. The theoretical idea to be elaborated is the concept of ‘field’ as a conceptual operator which can help the equilibrate appraisal (relativization) of different approaches and perspectives.

4) Teaching, training and continual education
The fourth part is devoted to illustration/comment of examples of integration between psychiatry and psychoanalysis at the level of the teaching, training and continual education of young psychoanalysts and residents in psychiatry.

5) Innovative best practices
The fifth part describes and briefly comments examples of good and reproducible practices which may help the development of better relationships between the two disciplines: for instance, the British experience of Community of communities or Stokoe’s proposal intensive courses within the institutions, the Italian initiative Rethinking clinical cases or the network of residential facilities Mito & Realtà, the German experience which changed the federal heath policy about psychotherapy for psychotic patients and so on ….



Presentation of the volume: IPA Publications Committee

IPA and APA Presidents forewords


Editors and contributors

Introduction to the book: Clàudio Eizirik and Giovanni Foresti

Chapter 1
The Mental Health Field: theoretical and historical perspectives

Andreoli Antonio (Switzerland):
A New Alliance for Efficient and Human Mental Health Services
Bell David (United Kingdom):
Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry on the eve of marketization of care.
Eizirik Claudio (Brazil):
Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry in Latin America: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives and Current Challenges.
Frances Allen USA):
Which Aspects of Psychoanalysis Remain Relevant?
Foresti Giovanni and Mazzacane Fulvio (Italy):
The Clinical and Institutional Field: the Italian perspective
Michels Bob (USA):
Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Medicine

Chapter 2
Nosology and diagnosis: l problems and different theoretical vertices

Böker H., Hartwich P., Northoff G. (Germany):
What Psychopathology can learn from Neuropsychodynamic Psychiatry?
Kernberg Otto (USA):
Structural Interview and diagniosis
Lingiardi Vittorio (Italy):
Remarks on the PDM-2: Second edition of the Psychoanalytic Diagnostic Manual
Rossi Monti Mario (Italy):
Is it possible not to make diagnosis? An epistemological perspective
Persano Humberto (Argentina):
The importance of psychodynamic diagnosis for inpatients treatment.
Schauenberg Henning (Germany):
The OPD (Operationalized Psychoanalytic Diagnosis) system.

Chapter 3
Differentiation and integration of treatments: individuals, groups and institutions

Bolognini Stefano (Italy):
Reflections on the changes of the psychoanalytic supervision in psychiatry
Gabbard Glen (USA):
The person with the diagnosis
Hinshelwood Bob (United Kingdom):
The institutions of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
Perini Mario (Italy):
Psychoanalysis and psychiatry: between clinical culture and organizational culture
Stokoe Phil (United Kingdom):
The Healthy Organizational Model: misleading myth or useful ideal?
Rosenbaum Bent (The Netherlands):
Self disorders in psychosis as integrative concept: important phenomenological and psychoanalytical alternatives to the reductionistic diagnostic criteria

Chapter 4
Teaching, training and continual education: methods and models

Ferruta Anna (Italy):
Beyond supervision: Clinical Group Seminars as Psychoanalytic Experience
Küchenhoff Joachim (Switzerland):
Proving the Impact of Psychoanalysis on Daily Clinical Practice: Structured Programs and Clinical Guidance
Kuey Levent (Turkey):
How could general psychiatry benefit from psychoanalytic theories and practice?
Jeong Do-Un (South Corea):
Teaching Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy to Residents in Psychiatry: A Window for Friendship vs. Animosity
Quartier Frings Florence (Switzerland):
Rediscovering Psychoanalysis by Teaching Psychiatry in Multi-disciplinary groups

Chapter 5
Examples of good practices: innovative interventions and promising initiatives

Narracci Andrea (Italy):
The MPGA (Multifamilial Psychoanalytic Group Approach) as Esperanto
Vigorelli Marta (Italy):
The Movement of Therapeutic Communities in Italy: Myth & Reality
Muszkat Susana (Brazil):
“What shall we do?” Bridging Psychoanalysis to Non-Analysts
Von Haebler Dorothea (Germany):
Changing the federal health policy about psychotherapy for psychotic patients in Germany - the steps towards a long needed development